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Our Story

Gridware is one of the leading cybersecurity providers in Australia, delivering world-class outcomes for our clients. We are uniquely positioned as an independent advisor, giving clients the confidence that they have mitigated their cybersecurity risks to best-in-class standards.

Founded in Sydney, Australia, Gridware has grown to become an internationally leading cybersecurity company

Founded in Sydney, Australia, Gridware has grown to become a leader in cybersecurity and incident response services both locally and internationally. 

We help out-innovate hackers by driving and delivering real innovation in the cyber security industry.

By continuing to build a local team with market-leading talent, we can help any organisation grow confidently by empowering its cyber resilience.

We have quickly become an emerging and recognised player in the Australian cybersecurity landscape by offering a suite of client-focused consulting services that not only mitigate security vulnerabilities, but keep client objectives and requirements top-of-mind.

Our talented team of local professionals bring a depth of expertise to the table, offering cybersecurity governance advisory, penetration testing, and incident response services in a way that is efficient, market-leading and scalable. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to help people, governments and businesses around the world defend themselves against cybercrime and reduce their risk exposure in an always-connected world.


We are an Australian leader in cybersecurity, having completed hundreds of engagements locally and globally.


Our company leaders are at the forefront of security research in Australia, having industry partnerships with Australia’s leading universities.


We apply best-practice standards in the work we do and take a risk-based approach to ensure information security is addressed holistically and not just technically.


We work hard to employ the best talent to ensure any cyber event experienced by your organisation is addressed quickly and effectively.

Criminals no longer want the key to vault.
They want your data.

And with this emerging risk facing all businesses that move to become digital, it creates an imperative for a new kind of security hero. Gridware is on a mission to help organisations stay secure from cyber crime.

We are a specialised team of cyber security professionals with years of experience providing high quality information advisory and penetration testing to Australia’s leading organisations.

We’re not just good at what we do; our leadership team even teach the new generation of cybersecurity talent at universities in Australia. 

Our Sydney based Cyber Defence Centre (CDC) has helped contain and investigate some of the world’s largest data breaches ever reported. Our Incident Response specialists have undone the damage caused by some of the most infamous cyber criminal groups in the world.

We pride ourselves on our ability to keep organisations safe from data breaches and our results show that you can trust us to deliver the world-class ethical hacking and cyber security expertise you need.

Gridware is a proud signatory to Pledge 1%, an innovative and ground-breaking new approach to corporate philanthropy. We are proud to commit a portion of our success to support nonprofits in our community. It is a small commitment from us today to drive big changes tomorrow.

Our Strategy

Core Capabilities

Our strength is our people and knowledge, which help us build strong customer relationships


We deliver a superior customer experience that is critical in supporting organisations through a cyber crisis


Our ability to retain the best cyber consultants makes us an ideal partner for any organisation


Our vision is to be globally recognised as a leading cybersecurity consultancy firm and to pioneer new methodologies in this space

Our Core Values

These are the values that guide our business and our brand, helping shape the company as we continue to grow

Customer First

Ensure we consider the customer’s perspective as paramount in all the work we do.

Open Company

To do all we can to ensure transparency and honesty with our employees and customers.

Sincerity and Integrity

To encourage and foster good qualities in ourselves and others.


To give our life and work equal passion and effort to maximise our productivity.


Sydney Offices
Level 12, Suite 6
189 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
1300 211 235

Melbourne Offices
Level 13, 114 William Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000
1300 211 235

Perth Offices
Level 32, 152 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
1300 211 235


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Learn more about the team at the forefront of the Australian Cyber Security scene.

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Media appearances and contributions by Gridware and our staff.

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Whether you need us to take care of security for you, respond to incidents, or provide consulting advice, we help you stay protected.

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Web App Pen. Test Calculator →

Network Pen. Test Calculator →

Governance & Audit

Legal and regulatory protection

Penetration Testing

Uncover system vulnerabilities

Remote Working & Phishing

Fortify your defenses

Cyber Security Strategy

Adaptation to evolving threats

Cloud & Infrastructure

Secure cloud computing solutions

Gridware 360

End-to-end security suite

Gridware Managed Services

Comprehensive & proactive security

Gridware CloudControl

Harness the benefits of cloud technology

Gridware Incident Response 24/7

Swift, expert-led incident resolution



A collection of our published insights, whitepapers, customer success stories and more.

Customer success stories from real Gridware customers. Find out how we have helped others stay on top of their Cyber Security.

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