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Network Security

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What is Network Security?

Network security is a branch of cybersecurity concerned with protecting networks, their associated devices, and the communication channels that connect them from unauthorised access or attacks. It is a critical aspect of modern information technology (IT) that protects sensitive data and systems from being compromised or disrupted.

Network security aims to protect many types of threats against, including malware, viruses, ransomware, denial of service (DoS) attacks, and more. These threats can come from various sources, including external hackers, insider threats, and even accidental events. As such, network security requires a multifaceted approach involving hardware, software, and best practices.

In addition to technical measures like the use of firewalls and data encryption, network security also requires developing and implementing policies and procedures that outline acceptable use, secure practices, and incident/disaster response plans. It is also crucial for organisations to regularly educate and train employees on best practices for network security to ensure that they are aware of the risks and know how to protect against them.

Why is Network Security Important?

Overall, network security is a crucial element of modern IT that protects sensitive data and systems. By implementing a combination of technical and non-technical measures such as policies, organisations can ensure that their networks are secure and able to withstand a wide range of threats and maintain crucial customer trust.

What are the benefits of Network Security?

There are many benefits to implementing network security measures, including:

What are the different types & tools of Network Security?

Network security uses many tools to protect against a wide range of threats. Some common types of network security include:


A firewall is a hardware or software system program designed to block unauthorised access to a network while allowing authorised traffic to pass through. Firewalls can allow or block specific types of traffic based on a set of rules. Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW) if architected correctly by a professional security provider, can provide additional security controls.


Encryption is the process of encoding data so that someone with the proper decryption key can only access it. Encryption protects sensitive data, such as financial information or personally identifiable information (PII) identification numbers (PINs), from unauthorised parties. Note that encryption can be a double edged sword, ensure that encryption is correctly architected by a professional security provider to ensure encryption is not used against you!

Antivirus software

Antivirus software can detect and remove malware from a system, such as viruses and ransomware. It is an important tool for protecting against these types of threats. Next Generation Anti-Virus (NGAV) if architected correctly by a professional security provider, can provide additional security controls to your user devices, especially with the prevalence of remote working where other corporate controls may not protect remote users.

Secure authentication protocols

Secure authentication protocols are used to verify the identity of a user or device attempting to access a network. These protocols can include passwords, tokens, and biometric authentication.

Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS)

IDPS help to identify and respond to potential threats to a network. They can be configured to alert administrators of a suspicious activity or to take automated actions, such as blocking the traffic, in response to a threat.

Virtual private networks (VPNs)

A VPN is a secure connection that is used to connect to a network over the internet; it can be used to encrypt communications and protect against unauthorised access.

Network segmentation

Network segmentation involves dividing a network into smaller subnetworks, or segments, that are isolated from each other. This can help to contain malware or other threats within a specific segment rather than allowing them to spread throughout the entire network. With an increase of increasingly interconnected Internet of Things (IoT) and Process Control Systems (PCS), it is more important than ever to ensure proper segmentation.

Network security policies and procedures

Network security policies and procedures outline acceptable use, secure practices, and incident response plans. They are an essential element of network security and can help to ensure that employees are aware of the risks and know how to protect against them.

Types of Network Security Testing

Network security testing evaluates a network’s security by simulating different attacks and vulnerabilities to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It is an essential aspect of network security that helps organisations to identify and address potential security risks before they can be exploited.
Some of the testing methods of network security include:
Overall, network security testing is an essential aspect of network security that helps organisations to identify and address potential security risks. By regularly performing network security testing, organisations can ensure that their networks are secure and able to withstand a wide range of threats.

Future Trends in Network Security

Several trends are likely to shape the future of network security, including:

The increasing use of cloud computing

As more organisations move to cloud-based systems, network security must adapt to protect against threats that target these systems. Cloud computing may involve the use of cloud-specific security tools and strategies, as well as the integration of on-premises security measures with cloud-based systems.

The growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

AI and machine learning technologies are increasingly used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of network security. Efficiency gains include using AI to analyse large amounts of data to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate a security threat, as well as using machine learning to improve the accuracy of security tools.

The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT)

refers to the growing network of connected devices used in both personal and business settings. These devices present new security challenges, as they may be more vulnerable to attacks due to their limited computing power and the lack of proper security measures. As the IoT continues to grow, new security technologies are being developed to protect against threats targeting these devices.

Quantum computers

can perform calculations much faster than traditional computers, potentially making some current encryption methods vulnerable. As quantum computing becomes more widespread, it is likely that new encryption methods and security measures will be developed to protect against these threats.

The growing use of 5G technology

5G technology is expected to significantly increase the speed and capacity of wireless networks, which will have implications for network security. New security measures will be needed to protect against threats that may exploit the increased capabilities of 5G networks.

Supply Chain Risks:

As more and more data and functionality uses “the cloud”, it is critical that organisations assess the security and in particular network security of their external partners and vendors to ensure data security is applied in transit and at rest – data stored externally means you can get breached indirectly through your partners!

Overall, the future of network security is likely to be shaped by a combination of technological advances and evolving threats. As new technologies emerge and the threat landscape changes, it will be necessary for organisations to stay current on the latest security measures and best practices to protect against threats.
The best way to secure a network is to implement a multifaceted approach that combines technical measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and antivirus software, with policies and procedures that outline acceptable use, secure practices, and incident response plans. It is also important for organisations to regularly educate and train employees on best practices for network security to ensure that they are aware of the risks and know how to protect against them. Additionally, regularly performing network security testing, such as vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, can help to identify and address potential security risks. By implementing these measures and staying current on the latest security technologies and best practices, organisations can effectively secure their networks and protect against a wide range of threats. Most companies however will need to augment their network and cybersecurity skills with external expertise from IT and cybersecurity consultants, especially those, like Gridware, capable of taking a full-spectrum approach to total security strategy and protection.

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Cloud security is the technology, policies, procedures, and services that shield cloud data, applications, and infrastructure against various threats, such as cybercrime. 

Companies face many challenges and risks as they consider cloud-native security solutions to protect their data. The most significant risks include increased attack surface created by unsecured cloud ports that leave companies vulnerable to malware, zero-day vulnerabilities and other threats. Other risks include a lack of governance and compliance to new security standards, lack of monitoring visibility, rapidly changing workloads in the cloud and poor privilege and access management.

The following best practices help to lower the risk of account compromise and credential theft – managing user access on request for a limited time, monitor and record employee and user session to identify threats, provide user training and awareness with realistic simulations to lower behavioural risk, Ensure you meet security compliance standards like ACSC Essential Eight, NIST, ASO27001 and other Australian Privacy Standards.

Overall, while cloud security and on-premises IT security have many similarities, the shared responsibility model and the complexity and scale of the security challenges in the cloud usually require a more comprehensive, joint-responsibility approach and adherence to greater compliance standards.


Network security is a branch of cybersecurity concerned with protecting networks, their associated devices, and the communication channels that connect them from unauthorised access or attacks. It is a critical aspect of modern information technology (IT) that protects sensitive data and systems from being compromised or disrupted.

Network security aims to protect many types of threats against, including malware, viruses, ransomware, denial of service (DoS) attacks, and more. These threats can come from various sources, including external hackers, insider threats, and even accidental events. As such, network security requires a multifaceted approach involving hardware, software, and best practices.

In addition to technical measures like the use of firewalls and data encryption, network security also requires developing and implementing policies and procedures that outline acceptable use, secure practices, and incident/disaster response plans. It is also crucial for organisations to regularly educate and train employees on best practices for network security to ensure that they are aware of the risks and know how to protect against them.

Overall, network security is a crucial element of modern IT that protects sensitive data and systems. By implementing a combination of technical and non-technical measures such as policies, organisations can ensure that their networks are secure and able to withstand a wide range of threats and maintain crucial customer trust.

There are many benefits to implementing network security measures, including:

  1. Protecting sensitive data: Network security helps to protect sensitive data, such as financial information, personally identifiable information (PII)  and proprietary business information, from being accessed by unauthorised parties. Data protection can help to prevent data breaches and protect against financial losses and damage to reputation.
  2. Maintaining the confidentiality of communications: Network security helps ensure that communications between devices on a network are confidential and not intercepted by unauthorised parties. Confidentiality is essential for business communications and the protection of sensitive information. Technical implementations of mitigations such as Network Access Control (NAC) ensures that only authorised people and devices can connect to corporate networks.
  3. Ensuring the availability of network resources:Network security helps to prevent attacks that could disrupt network availability, such as denial of service (DoS) attacks. Availability is vital for maintaining the smooth operation of business systems and ensuring that employees have access to the resources they need to do their jobs.
  4. Protecting against malware:Network security measures, such as antivirus software and intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), can help to protect against malware that can cause damage to systems and disrupt operations.
  5. Ensuring compliance with regulations:Many industries have regulatory requirements for protecting sensitive data and systems. Network security helps organisations to meet these requirements and avoid fines or penalties. Recent changes by the Australian and European Governments can impose highly punitive fines for cyber breaches upon private corporations. 
  6. Improving customer trust:By implementing network security measures, organisations can demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive data and building trust with their customers. This can be especially important for businesses that handle financial or personal information.

Network security uses many tools to protect against a wide range of threats. Some common types of network security include:

  1. Firewalls:A firewall is a hardware or software system  designed to block unauthorised access to a network while allowing authorised traffic to pass through. Firewalls can allow or block specific types of traffic based on a set of rules. Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW) if architected correctly by a professional security provider, can provide additional security controls. 
  2. Encryption:Encryption is the process of encoding data so that someone with the proper decryption key can only access it. Encryption protects sensitive data, such as financial information or personally identifiable information (PII)  from unauthorised parties. Note that encryption can be a double edged sword, ensure that encryption is correctly architected by a professional security provider to ensure encryption is not used against you!
  3. Antivirus software:Antivirus software can detect and remove malware from a system, such as viruses and ransomware. It is an important tool for protecting against these types of threats. Next Generation Anti-Virus (NGAV) if architected correctly by a professional security provider, can provide additional security controls to your user devices, especially with the prevalence of remote working where other corporate controls may not protect remote users.
  4. Secure authentication protocols:Secure authentication protocols are used to verify the identity of a user or device attempting to access a network. These protocols can include passwords, tokens, and biometric authentication.
  5. Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS):IDPS help to identify and respond to potential threats to a network. They can be configured to alert administrators of a suspicious activity or to take automated actions, such as blocking the traffic, in response to a threat.
  6. Network access control (NAC):NAC is a security solution that is designed to control access to a network based on the identity and security posture of devices attempting to access the network. It can be used to ensure that only authorised devices can connect to the network.
  7. Virtual private networks (VPNs):A VPN is a secure connection that is used to connect to a network over the internet; it can be used to encrypt communications and protect against unauthorised access.
  8. Network segmentation:Network segmentation involves dividing a network into smaller subnetworks, or segments, that are isolated from each other. This can help to contain malware or other threats within a specific segment rather than allowing them to spread throughout the entire network. With an increase of increasingly interconnected Internet of Things (IoT) and Process Control Systems (PCS), it is more important than ever to ensure proper segmentation.
  9. Network security policies and procedures: Network security policies and procedures outline acceptable use, secure practices, and incident response plans. They are an essential element of network security and can help to ensure that employees are aware of the risks and know how to protect against them.

Network security testing evaluates a network’s security by simulating different attacks and vulnerabilities to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It is an essential aspect of network security that helps organisations to identify and address potential security risks before they can be exploited.

Some of the testing methods of network security include:

  1. Vulnerability assessments:A vulnerability assessment is a systematic review of a network to identify and assess vulnerabilities, such as unpatched software or weak passwords. It is a crucial first step in identifying potential security risks and can be performed using automated tools or manually.
  2. Penetration testing: Penetration testing, also known as “pen testing,” involves simulating an attack on a network to test its defences. This can be done by ethical hackers, or “white hat” hackers, who organisations hire to identify vulnerabilities and help to improve security.
  3. Network scanning:Network scanning involves using automated tools to identify devices and their open ports on a network. Scanning can be used to identify vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit.
  4. Security testing of web applications:Web applications, such as online shopping carts or login pages, can be vulnerable to attacks if they are not adequately secured. Web application security testing involves simulating different attacks to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  5. Mobile device testing:With the increasing use of mobile devices to access networks, it is crucial to ensure that these devices are secure. Mobile device testing involves evaluating mobile devices’ security and connections to networks.


Overall, network security testing is an essential aspect of network security that helps organisations to identify and address potential security risks. By regularly performing network security testing, organisations can ensure that their networks are secure and able to withstand a wide range of threats.

Several trends are likely to shape the future of network security, including:

  1. The increasing use of cloud computing:As more organisations move to cloud-based systems, network security must adapt to protect against threats that target these systems. Cloud computing may involve the use of cloud-specific security tools and strategies, as well as the integration of on-premises security measures with cloud-based systems.
  2. The growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning:AI and machine learning technologies are increasingly used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of network security. Efficiency gains include using AI to analyse large amounts of data to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate a security threat, as well as using machine learning to improve the accuracy of security tools.
  3. The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT)refers to the growing network of connected devices used in both personal and business settings. These devices present new security challenges, as they may be more vulnerable to attacks due to their limited computing power and the lack of proper security measures. As the IoT continues to grow, new security technologies are being developed to protect against threats targeting these devices.
  4. Quantum computerscan perform calculations much faster than traditional computers, potentially making some current encryption methods vulnerable. As quantum computing becomes more widespread, it is likely that new encryption methods and security measures will be developed to protect against these threats.
  5. The growing use of 5G technology: 5G technology is expected to significantly increase the speed and capacity of wireless networks, which will have implications for network security. New security measures will be needed to protect against threats that may exploit the increased capabilities of 5G networks.
  6. Supply Chain Risks: As more and more data and functionality uses “the cloud”, it is critical that organisations assess the security and in particular network security of their external partners and vendors to ensure data security is applied in transit and at rest – data stored externally means you can get breached indirectly through your partners!


Overall, the future of network security is likely to be shaped by a combination of technological advances and evolving threats. As new technologies emerge and the threat landscape changes, it will be necessary for organisations to stay current on the latest security measures and best practices to protect against threats.

The best way to secure a network is to implement a multifaceted approach that combines technical measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and antivirus software, with policies and procedures that outline acceptable use, secure practices, and incident response plans. It is also important for organisations to regularly educate and train employees on best practices for network security to ensure that they are aware of the risks and know how to protect against them. Additionally, regularly performing network security testing, such as vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, can help to identify and address potential security risks. By implementing these measures and staying current on the latest security technologies and best practices, organisations can effectively secure their networks and protect against a wide range of threats. Most companies however will need to augment their network and cybersecurity skills with external expertise from IT and cybersecurity consultants, especially those, like Gridware, capable of taking a full-spectrum approach to total security strategy and protection.

About Author
Ahmed Khanji

Ahmed Khanji

Ahmed Khanji is the CEO of Gridware, a leading cybersecurity consultancy based in Sydney, Australia...

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Published January 9, 2023


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